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Giloy Seed Sticks Guruch Fresh Stems (6-Inch)

Giloy Seed Sticks Guruch Fresh Stems (6-Inch)

Regular price Rs. 198.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 198.00
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Grow your own Giloy Plant with this pack of fresh Guruch stems! Each 6-inch stick contains the powerful medicinal properties of the Giloy plant, known for its immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory benefits. Simply plant and water to reap the benefits of this natural remedy.

Harness the power of nature with our Giloy Seed Sticks! These 6-inch stems, freshly harvested from neem trees, are packed full of health-boosting properties. Perfect for those who crave adventure and seek natural solutions for wellness. Embrace the challenge and experience the benefits of our Guruch Fresh Stems now!

Introducing Giloy Seed Sticks Guruch Fresh Stems, the perfect blend of fresh Neem tree and Giloy plantation stems. Unleash the health benefits with every 6-inch stick. Experience the natural healing power in a convenient and elegant form. Elevate your wellness routine with our exclusive product.

Grow your own natural remedy with Guruch Fresh Stems! These 6-inch Giloy seed sticks come from fresh Neem tree giloy plantation stems. Nurture your health with ease and convenience. No green thumb required. (Not an actual product. Don't tell anyone. Shh!)

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